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Hippo CMMS Release Notes 2021

View a complete list of new features and bug fixes within the year.

Released on Aug 10/2021

What's new in 6.3.89

  • A Resource filter has been added to the Work Order Search section on the Hippo App!


Issues fixed in 6.3.89

  • Older Android users were having an issue using the barcode feature on the App. The barcode association modal would freeze and the user could not select Yes or No.
  • Estimated Cost entered into a Schedule Work Order would not display on the generated PM Work Order.
  • The Priority was not displaying on a Work Order. The Priority defaults to medium and now the Priority field displays medium unless another priority is selected.
  • The App was allowing a user to create an Asset without a name. Name is a mandatory field and is required to create a new Asset.
  • Due Date was increasing by one day every time the 'Search' field was clicked on the Work Order Search Grid. This has been fixed and only the dates entered will be searched.
  • A printed Work Order was displaying the wrong time in the Due Date section. A Work Order is due at the end of the day of its due date. The printed Work Order should display the due date + "23:59"

Released on July 27/2021

Issues fixed in 6.3.88

  • When a User tried to create multiple "One Time" PM for the same date, the system would not do so, but the "Calendar Based Schedules" window displayed each attempt. This is has been fixed. The "Calendar Based Schedules" window only logs the one date that the "One Time" work order generated.


Released on July 20/2021

Issues fixed in 6.3.87

  • The "search" feature for the Association column wasn't working on the Parts grid. This has been fixed.


Released on July 13/2021

Issues fixed in 6.3.86

  • When printing Purchase Orders, the print page was rounding the tax percentage to the nearest whole number. This has been fixed so the accurate value displays.
  • When editing a completed Work Order where the asset (equipment/vehicle/location) had been deleted, Hippo was displaying a success message, but the changes were not saved. All edited info now applies.
  • Users can no longer generate the same 'One Time' PM as many times as they want on the same date. PMs can only generate once a day
  • When using the Work Order link from an email notification or shared by a User, the link was redirecting to the Enterprise level instead of the Work Order modal. Clicking on the link, a User will now automatically be taken to the Work Order form.
  • Line items on Invoices that had been deleted from open Work Orders were still displaying on Completed Work Orders. This fix also addresses the issue of the deleted line items displaying on the printed Work Order and Reports.
  • If the Requested By field on the Work Order modal is a mandatory permission, it now appears in red as expected.
  • Admin Users were unable to remove a Requesters email address on the Requester Grid. This has been fixed.

Released on July 06/2021

Issues fixed in 6.3.85

  • An incorrect Tool Tip has been removed from the Invoice and Parts sections on a Work Order
  • Desktop Mobile site - The Description field on the Submit Work Order modal is a mandatory field. It is now highlighted in red.
  • Work Order Request History grid was displaying the wrong status after the Work Order was completed on the Mobile App

Release 6.3.84 on June 29/2021 - A new Hippo icon was added to the Login browser tab.

Released on June 22/2021

Issues fixed in 6.3.83

  • On both the Work Order Search screen and the Standard Dashboard screen, when a User ran a search with no results, an empty row would appear. When the User clicked on the empty row, a Work Order Error message would pop up. The User could not close the message or exit the screen. This has now been fixed.
  • On the Mobile Website, the downtime period is mandatory when a piece of equipment is reported up. The Submit button is now disabled until the User manually adds the downtime period, or selects "Use This" to fill the downtime period automatically.
  • On the Mobile Website, Users were unable to select a Start Date for Resource hours. We fixed this.
  • The "Cancel" button when adding a comment to a Task was disabled. This has been fixed. This button will now cancel the comment and collapse the comment field to that Task.
  • Users were unable to delete multiple files from a Task on a Work Order.


  • System Admins were unable to delete Overtime Rates from the Categories and Types Grid. Fixed.

Released on June 15/2021

Issues fixed in 6.3.82

  • Hippo was displaying an incorrect error message when a Requester created a new password that did not follow the strict password rules.
  • When adding a Part to a work order on the App, letters can now be searched in the Part Number search field.
  • Tax types now load when submitting Purchase Orders.
  • Purchase Orders now print.
  • Latitude and Longitude entries now save to Equipment.

Released on June 8/2021

Issues fixed in 6.3.81

  • When disabling the WO Request Priority global setting, the priority field was still available on the Request Portal and WO request form. Now, disabling the Work Order Request Priority on the Global Settings grid removes the priority level field from the Work Order Request form.


  • Inactive assets (Equipment and Vehicles) are no longer available in the association dropdown on the WO Request form.
  • When saving an asset from the mobile app, data in some fields were being deleted from the database. This issue has been fixed.

Released on June 1/2021

What's new in 6.3.80

  • After five failed login attempts, a User is locked out for a 15 min. period. To increase security, when a user attempts to log in again while being locked out and fails, the lockout time period resets to 15 minutes.


Issues fixed in 6.3.80

  • The downtime period is mandatory when a piece of equipment is reported up. The submit button is now disabled until the user adds the downtime or selects 'Use This' to fill automatically.
  • On the Hippo mobile browser version, the Estimated Effort on a Work Order was displaying in minutes. It has not been corrected to display in hours.
  • On the Mobile App, a User could not search a Part using Part Number or Work Category.
  • On the Mobile App, Users were able to edit other Users' task comments. Only the creator of the task comment should have the ability to edit the comment.

Released on May 25/2021

What's new in 6.3.79

  • 'Unassigned' filter option added to the Work Order Search Grid. This filters all Work Orders that do not have a Resource assigned to them. To use this new filter, open the WO Search Grid, click Unassigned in the Assigned Resource, and hit Search.


Issues fixed in 6.3.79

  • On the Mobile App, a User was unable to enter Task data to a Task that did not have a unit associated. This has changed. Users can now enter Task data to any Task, regardless of having a unit associated or not.

Released on May 11/2021

Issues fixed in 6.3.78

On the Mobile App, the Asset screen was displaying the full name of the Facility. The Asset screen is now displaying the short name of the Facility.

Released on May 4/2021

Issues fixed in 6.3.77

  • On the Mobile App, if a Part had a "Quantity of Hand" of zero then the User could not scroll through the parts list nor add a part. This has been fixed. Users can now see and add a part to their work order even if the "Quantity on Hand" is null or zero.


  • Files attached to Tasks could not be deleted from work orders. This has been fixed. A User can now delete an attachment or file from a task if needed.

Released on April 27/2021

What's new in version 6.3.76

As of April 27/2021, Hippo will be enforcing Strict Password Rules.

No further action is required unless you are creating a new password.

The rules to a strict password are as follows:

  • Passwords must be a minimum of 8 characters long and it must contain:
  • One English uppercase letter (A-Z)
  • One English lowercase letter (a-z)
  • One Number (0-9)
  • One special character (symbols such as !, $, #, %)


  • After five consecutive failed login attempts the account is locked for 15 minutes.
  • Passwords cannot contain the User's username, first or last name, nor any of the following: password, hippo, 12345, 98765

Learn more about strict passwords here.

Issues fixed in 6.3.76

  • Users with Edit Complete Work Order permissions were able to edit the Email Contact field when the Work Order was completed. This field is no longer editable.
  • Work Orders were not rejecting when the User rejects them during an Equipment Transfer. These Work Orders are now properly rejected and can be found via the Work Order Search Grid.

Released on April 20/2021

Issues fixed in 6.3.75

  • A User with the edit and delete Resource permission was not able to remove a Resource entry on a work order. This has been fixed. As expected, a User that has the correct permissions can remove a Resource entry from a work order.


  • The same bug was preventing a User from removing Line Items from an Invoice on a Work Order. This has now been fixed. You can now delete a Line Item to an invoice on a work order.


  • Users were able to add duplicates of the same part to a Work Order. A fix has been made which will prevent a User from selecting the same Part on any work order.
  • PMs were unexpectedly duplicating if using the Generate Now feature. This has been fixed. When using Generate Now it means you are generating one particular PM instantly, rather than waiting for the next scheduled date. Moving forward, the PM will continue to generate as regularly scheduled.

Released on April 13/2021

Issues fixed in 6.3.74

  • On the Mobile App, Resources that have the "View Own" permission were seeing work orders that were no longer associated with their name. This has been fixed. As expected, Users with "View Own" permission can only access Work Orders that they create or that they are assigned to as the Resource.

Release 6.3.73 on April 6 /2021 - backend development for future projects

Released on Mar 30/2021

Issues fixed in 6.3.72

  • In the Mobile App, Users with Modify Work Order permissions can now add or remove parts from a Work Order. Previously, User also required View Location or View Equipment permissions to add parts to a ticket.
  • The Calendar Dashboard was not displaying all the Hourly PMs if they had an end date when scheduling them. The last day of the schedule was missing. All ungenerated Hourly PMs now display correctly on the Calendar Dashboard.


  • Reports created for just a single day were retrieving 0 entries. This has been fixed and reports info can be gathered for a one-day time frame.

Released on Mar 23/2021

Issues fixed in 6.3.71

  • Parts Grid - The Quantity on Hand field on the Parts Grid was not updating when a Part was used on a work order and then Completed. This has been fixed. The parts grid should accurately display the Quantity on Hand, or the inventory you have in stock.


  • Resource email notification - an email was not sent to the Resource when the Work Order was created. This has been fixed.  The Resource associated to a work order will now get an email when the work order is created. 

Released on Mar 16/2021

Issues fixed in 6.3.70

  • Comments added along with an Equipment Transfer request were not displaying on the Equipment to be Received grid. This has been fixed. Any comment sent along with the transfer of equipment from one facility in Hippo to another is visible to the user who confirms the transfer.
  • Deleted Invoice records were displaying on printed Work Orders. This has been fixed and any deleted invoice will not be visible on a printed work order.
  • Users without the Edit Equipment permission, could navigate to the Equipment Edit screen and update information on the Hippo Mobile version. This has been fixed. A User must have Edit Equipment permission to modify equipment details.
  • The Contacts field was missing when looking at Completed Work Orders. This has been fixed. You can now see the Contact field on a Completed Work order form.

Released on Mar 9/2021

Issues fixed in 6.3.69

  • The Work Order Resource email permission was only sending a notification when a Resource was assigned to or removed from a Work Order.  The fix includes also sending a notification when the Work Order status is changed and a comment is added to the Work Order.
  • When a PM generated, the Activity Log was incorrectly displaying that a part was added multiple times.  We fixed this.  The Activity Log will accurately list the part associated one time.


Release 6.3.68 on Mar 2/2021 - backend development for future projects

Released on Feb 23/2021

Issues fixed in 6.3.67

  • The "One Time" PM schedule would not create a work order after 6:00 pm (CST time zone). This has been fixed. Use the "One Time" schedule date when you want to generate a PM once, and are unsure of any reoccurring date.


Released on Feb 17/2021

Issues fixed in 6.3.66

  • When printing a Rejected work order the Start Date field would automatically fill in a timestamp. This has been fixed.  When printing a Rejected work order, the Start Date field remains blank.
  • In Hippo, there is a setting to automatically switch a work order to "In Progress" once a ticket has been printed. The Activity Log was not identifying which User batch printed a work order from the Work Order Search grid, therefore changed the status to "In Progress" This has been fixed.  The Activity Log now shows which User printed the work orders and ultimately changed the tickets to "In Progress". 

Released on Feb 9/2021

Issues fixed in 6.3.65

  • Users with the "Work Order Status Update" email permission were receiving an email when a change was made to any field on a work order. This is fixed.  Now Users will only get that email when a change is made to the Status, Comment, or Resource field.
  • When a Work Order was edited multiple times, the Last Updated Date field was not displaying correctly. This has been fixed to show which User made the last change and time-stamped when.

Released on Feb 2/2021

Issues fixed in 6.3.64

  • Resources deleted from a Work Order are displaying when the Work Order is completed.

Released on Jan 26/2021

Issues fixed in 6.3.63


  • Scheduled Work Orders will only generate every hour
  • Send Emails to Contacts toggle on Submit Work Order is not working

Released on Jan 19/2021

Issues fixed in 6.3.62


  • Users were able to submit WOs for inactive pieces of equipment. This is now fixed, inactive assets won't show up on the associations dropdown

Released on Jan 14/2021

Issues fixed in 6.3.61


  • Gauge icon missing in the association section of Equipment and Vehicle Work Orders
  • User is unable to delete attachments from Task on Work Orders

Mobile App:

  • Displaying deleted Resource hours

Support Notification

As a reminder, Internet Explorer is no longer supported by Hippo.

The original notification was sent on December 23rd, 2019 stating that the browser would become less reliable and less secure.

In the following month the article below was published on our Help Center:

List of Recommended Browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Safari

Please contact support if you have any questions:

Released on Jan 5

Issues fixed in 6.3.60


  • Equipment Model image links are broken for users with Standard View Only