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Eptura Knowledge Center

Add Service Tasks to a Work Order

A service task is a single activity that needs to be accomplished within a certain time frame.  Some of the more common types of service tasks are:

  • PM Task lists
  • Industry specific procedural codes
  • Repair codes (can be specific to your corporation, or generic in nature)
  • Component Codes (VMRS codes, CPT codes, etc.)

If the task is a common, it can appear in multiple PM's and Work Orders.

In Work Orders, a task is a single step, found in the WO.  While some Work Orders have a single Task, most usually have multiple tasks (or steps) that need to be completed, to satisfy the requirements of the maintenance manager. 


Add an existing Task to a Work Order


Go into the details of any Work Order

  1. Click the Add Task   button.
  2. Select the Task to be added.
  3. Click the  Add Task  button.
  4. Click the Create New Task button.


  1. Fill in the required information:

  • Task Code:  Unique alphanumeric ID you create to name the task
  • Task Description:  Brief description of what is expected, when performing this task
  • Task Class:  While all tasks can belong to the same list, Task Class helps you organize all your tasks into different groups or classifications
  • Standard Estimated Time:  Hours and Minutes it should take on average to complete this task.  Filling this out helps estimate he total amount of time needed to complete a PM, and plan accordingly
  1. Click the the appropriate button:

  • Save & Add - saves the newly created Task, and adds it to your PM.
  • Save & Select - saves the newly created Task, and allows you to continue selecting other Tasks as well.


Reorder Tasks from a Work Order

  1. Hover over the six dots on the right hand side of the Task.
  2. Drag and drop the tasks in the correct order.


  1. Click the Save button.

Create a Task Group

A Task Group allows you to add multiple Service Tasks to a Work Order at once. To create a Task Group from a Work Order, follow the instructions below.

  1. From a Work Order, select the + Add Task button and the Add Service Tasks Screen populates:
  2. From the Most Common Tasks drop-down, select either All Active Tasks or a type of tasks.
  3. Find and select the required tasks to group together using the checkboxes
  4. Click the Create Task Group button. The Service Task Group populates.
  5. In the Service Task Group Name, enter a group name.
  6. Review the selected Tasks. To add or remove Tasks, click the Update Group's Tasks button.
  7. Click the Create Service Task Group button.

    The Task Group is now ready to add to a Work Order or PM.

    To edit or delete the Task Group, select the three dots to the right of the Task Group and select Edit or Delete:


Creating a new Task