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Eptura Knowledge Center

Utilization Reports List for SVLive and Sensor Data

This table below lists the utilization reports, their description and data source.


Report Name


Data Source


111 Detailed Utilization Report

Displays detailed information about SVLive (Wired and Wi-Fi) utilization records for the date range and locations selected.

SVLive (Wired and Wi-Fi data)


211 SVLive Raw Activity Report

Displays detailed information about each person, desk, or sensor seen on SVLive (through either Wired, Wi-Fi or Sensor data) for the selected dates and location.

SVLive (Wired and Wi-Fi data) or Sensor data


285 Utilization Point in Time Report

Displays a layered view of SVLive utilization for a specific floor at a point in time. As this report is specific to workpoint utilization, only wired Serraview Live data is included. The Wi-Fi data does not go down to the workpoint level therefore it is not included.

SVLive (Wired data)


296 Unique People count Utilization Report

Displays count of unique people (minimum, maximum, average) for a given floor and period.

SVLive (Wired and/or Wi-Fi data)


297 Utilization By Period Report

Displays time spent as a resident and non-resident on a floor and/or building for a given time period.

SVLive (Wired and/or Wi-Fi data)


311 SVLive Data Report

Lists the space types and hierarchy in Serraview with default values, Includes Show in Locator default value for configuring SVLive space types.

SVLive (Wired and Wi-Fi data) or Sensor data


326 Utilization - Building and Floor Summary

Displays an overview of key utilization statistics for a building or floor over a chosen date range.

SVLive (Wired and Wi-Fi data) or Sensor data


327 Utilization - Building and Floor Details

Details the utilization for all buildings and floors within the chosen location (you can choose a floor, building, or region, or leave the filter blank to choose the entire portfolio).

SVLive (Wired and Wi-Fi data) or Sensor data


328 Utilization - Space Type Summary

Compares utilization statistics of up to 5 different space types over time.
Only utilization sources specific to an individual space (such as SVLive Wired) will be used; sources like SVLive Wi-Fi and Badge Swipe, which cannot identify which specific space was used, will be excluded.

SVLive (Wired data)


329 Utilization - Space Type Details

Displays utilization details for each chosen space type within the selected locations.
Only utilization sources specific to an individual space (such as SVLive Wired) will be used; sources like SVLive Wi-Fi and Badge Swipe, which cannot identify which specific space was used, will be excluded.

SVLive (Wired data)


330 Utilization - Org Unit Summary

Displays an overview of utilization information for a selected Org Unit in a building or on a floor.
The Org Unit is based on the person's assigned location in Serraview. That is, if a person is assigned to a Sales desk or flexi team, their utilization will be counted toward Sales, even if their personal cost center or the desks that they used do not roll up to Sales.

SVLive (Wired and Wi-Fi data) or Sensor data.


331 Utilization - Org Unit Details

Displays details of Org Unit utilization for all buildings and floors within the chosen locations. The Org Unit is based on the person's assigned location in Serraview. That is, if a person is assigned to a Sales desk or flexi team, their utilization will be counted toward Sales, even if their personal cost center or the desks that they used do not roll up to Sales.

SVLive (Wired and Wi-Fi data)


332 Utilization - Org Unit Summary (Person's Org Unit)

Displays an overview of utilization information for a selected Org Unit in a building or on a floor.
The Org Unit is based on the Person's individual org unit (the one assigned to the person in the HR feed). It ignores the Org Unit of the space that was used and the org unit of the space that the person is assigned to in Serraview.

SVLive (Wired and Wi-Fi data) or Sensor data.


333 Utilization - Org Unit Details (Person's Org Unit)

Displays details of Org Unit utilization for all buildings and floors within the chosen locations.
The Org Unit is based on the Person's individual org unit (the one assigned to the person in the HR feed). It ignores the Org Unit of the space that was used and the org unit of the space that the person is assigned to in Serraview.

SVLive (Wired and Wi-Fi data) or Sensor data.


334 Utilization - Org Unit Summary (Space Org Unit)

Displays an overview of utilization information for a selected Org Unit in a building or on a floor.
The Org Unit is based on the space that was used; it ignores the person involved in the utilization.

Note This report is ideal for anonymous utilization sources like desk-level sensors, but it does not work well for Wi-Fi-heavy floors, as the individual space will not be identifiable.

SVLive (Wired and Wi-Fi data) or Sensor data.


335 Utilization - Org Unit Details (Space Org Unit)

Details of Org Unit utilization for all buildings and floors within the chosen locations. The Org Unit is based on the space that was used; it ignores the person involved in the utilization.

Note This report is ideal for anonymous utilization sources like desk-level sensors, but it does not work well for Wi-Fi-heavy floors, as the individual space will not be identifiable.

SVLive (Wired and Wi-Fi data) or Sensor data.


336 Utilization - Building and Floor Summary Report (Locator Elite)

Locator Elite Report
This report provides a summary of utilization for a building over a chosen data range. It shows key statistics for the whole data range; a chart of daily utilization over the data range; a Building Stack graph showing the Peak People and Remaining Workpoints; an Average Week graph showing the Peak People and the Total Workpoints.

SVLive (Wired and Wi-Fi data)


337 Utilization - Building and Floor Details Report (Locator Elite)

Locator Elite Report
This report provides details of utilization for the selected locations. The summary tab shows peak utilization details for each building and floor over the whole data range.

SVLive (Wired and Wi-Fi data)