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Eptura Knowledge Center

Hummingbird users can now Reserve a Space for Later - 2022 August

When a Hummingbird user selects a desk that is already booked, a new call-to-action button labeled “Reserve for Later” will show instead of “Create Reservation.” By tapping this button, the user will be able to adjust their booking time to an available slot and finish their reservation as usual.


This dynamic Reservation button creates a seamless experience that informs the employee the space they selected is booked for their desired timeslot and gives them the ability to adjust their booking to an open time slot. It is available for all Hummingbird users, and users must update their app using the App Store.

We have made several enhancements to make booking workflows simpler and more intuitive for employees in the Hummingbird App and Space Availability Page. If you are interested in finding out more about this feature contact your Account Manager. If you have any questions, please call 713-526-1029 or send an email to