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User Maintenance Section - Updated

The User Maintenance section has recently undergone some extensive changes. In particular, it will be easier than ever to set permission levels, perform updates to users, user types, and user fields. Plus, you can add images to users to be used as avatars..



Besides the change to the overall look and feel, you will notice that the new home screen contains a search bar that allows you to quickly find specific users.


There are also three additional buttons that have been added:

  • User Types

  • User Fields

  • Add a User

User Types

The User Types button allows you to view, edit, add, and remove the variety of user types necessary for your company.



User Fields

The User Fields button allows you to add or remove fields and specify whether they are included or not for specific user types.



Add an Avatar

You are now able to drag and drop an image to be used as the user's avatar.



Update User Permissions

You are now able to update user permissions easier than ever. As an example, if you needed to upgrade a user's permissions to a particular center, you can quickly do so using the updated permissions section. 



Add a User

Finally, you may add a user from the User Maintenance section by selecting the Add a User button.




If you have any questions, please call 713-526-1029, or send an e-mail to



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