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Eptura Knowledge Center

Read the AUP Logs

If you have an issue with the  Eptura Workplace Automated User Process (AUP) then you will need to review the logs as these will help you identify the issue.

  1. Navigate to Admin > Automated Process Logs.
  2. Below are examples of the logged messages.
Message Description
XXX Records entered processing. There are xxx records parsed successfully from the import file.
X ERROR Failed to parse record from input file. See sheet [InputFileParsingErrors] for data. X records cannot be parsed by the current metadata. Possible reasons: too more or less fields; field values contain delimiter; incorrect delimiter; blank rows …

ERROR. Invalid category hierarchy. There are gaps in the tree. Data logged under code [invalidHierarchy].


AUP has category build process, which will create, update, and delete cost centers.

For category build, AUP need values for all depths. If there are some depth values missed, AUP will ignore these records. For example, if a category has three depths and import file only have depth 1 and depth 2 data, and no depth 0 data, that's Invalid category hierarchy.

1001 Records Entered Category 1 Depth 4 matching. Adding, updating, and deleting.

325 Category 1 Depth 4 records currently in the database will be compared to input data.

1001 Records match to existing Category 1 Child Depth 4, Parent Depth 3 data. Records will be checked and updated.

1 Records in Category 1 Depth 4 that are no longer used. They will be disabled.

1 Category 1 Depth 4 records removed from database.

1001 Records Completed Category 1 Depth 4 matching.

65 Category 1 Depth 3 records currently in the database will be compared to input data.

1001 Records Entered Category 1 Depth 3 matching. Adding, updating, and deleting.

1001 Records match to existing Category 1 Child Depth 3, Parent Depth 2 data. Records will be checked and updated.

1001 Records Completed Category 1 Depth 3 matching.

49 Category 1 Depth 2 records currently in the database will be compared to input data.

1001 Records Entered Category 1 Depth 2 matching. Adding, updating, and deleting.

1001 Records match to existing Category 1 Child Depth 2, Parent Depth 1 data. Records will be checked and updated.

1001 Records Completed Category 1 Depth 2 matching.

16 Category 1 Depth 1 records currently in the database will be compared to input data.

1001 Records Entered Category 1 Depth 1 matching. Adding, updating, and deleting.

1001 Records match to existing Category 1 Child Depth 1, Parent Depth 0 data. Records will be checked and updated.

1001 Records Completed Category 1 Depth 1 matching.

1001 Records Entered Category 1 Depth 0 matching. Adding, updating, and deleting.

6 Category 1 Depth 0 records currently in the database will be compared to input data.

1001 Records match to existing Category 1 Child Depth 0, Parent Depth -1 data. Records will be checked and updated.

1001 Records Completed Category 1 Depth 0 matching.

These above lines show process for Category 1 build. There are 5 depths for Category 1. AUP compared cost center items for each depth and will add, update, and delete cost centers.

ERROR. Key field is blank. Records removed from future processing. Data logged under code [nullKey]. UniqueID is required for each record. Records without UniqueID will be filtered out. UniqueID is one of EmployeeID, UserName or Email.
Warning. Records have a blank Username. Users created with a blank Username will not be able to login. User records don’t have UserName. It is a warning. No records will be filtered out.
ERROR. Duplicate matches to ${dedupKey}. Records removed from future processing. Data logged under code [dupKey]. Records with duplicate uniqueID will be filtered out.
ERROR. Duplicate matches to buildingCode/buildingName. Records have been removed from processing. Data logged under code [dupBuilding]. One record matches more than one building. These records will be filtered out.
ERROR - Records failed to match to user type information, and have been removed from processing. See sheet [NoUserType] for data. If user type match is required, user records without matched user type will be filtered out.
WARNING - Users with duplicate key values found. Both records will be updated. See sheet [dupUser] for data. AUP match more than one record with the same uniqueID. AUP will update all of them.
WARNING. Records failed to match to center of type pc. Data logged under code [noCenterID]. When AUP create move tickets (including new hire tickets, term tickets and move tickets), users should be seated in a managed building, which has both space and move center. If user in a building without space center, AUP logs will post "WARNING. Records failed to match to center of type pc". Sometimes we assign default space and move center for move tickets, so it is only a warning not error.
ERROR. Users to update greater than threshold percent. Data logged under code [updateMaxUsers]. We normally set up 25% as update threshold. If more than 25% of existing users need to be updated, AUP will not update them and show this error.
ERROR. Number of users to disable greater than threshold value. Data logged under code [disableMaxUsers]. Records removed from processing. We normally set up 10% of the number of import records as disable threshold.